Anyone from 18 to 65 years of age can become a study participant for us at Beiersdorf, and in exceptional cases, those aged at least 16, subject to parental consent.

Requirements or eligibility criteria are: general good health and healthy undamaged skin on the test sites used in our studies, such as the inner forearms and face. This will be determined in an initial medical checkup in our Study Center or in a family doctor online appointment. 

  • Initial medical checkup in our Study Center
  • Family doctor online

General exclusion criteria:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • malignant tumors
  • chronic cardiovascular disorders/diseases, chronic disorders related to metabolism or the immune system
  • alcohol and drug abuse
  • medically proven allergies against cosmetic ingredients

If you are interested in participating in a study at our Study Center, we would be pleased to hear from you.

Register here.